MycoBank: 812345 Basionym: Psathyrella complutensis Heykoop & G. Moreno 2015 l. c. Originaldiagnose: |
"Cap 3-12 mm broad and 2-4 mm high, primordium globose, ellipsoid, then semiglobose, convex, somewhat flattened, with umbo or not, finally totally flat, dark reddish brown when young (Munsell 2.5YR 3/4), sometimes dusky red to dark red (Mu. 10R 3/4, 3/6), in some specimens even darker (Mu. 10R 2.5/2) at centre, elsewhere dark brown (Mu. 7.5 YR 3/4), becoming reddish brown (Mu. 2.5/YR 4/4) or reddish yellow (Mu. 7.5 YR 6/6). Margin paler, hygrophanous, faintly striate, after drying it becomes first strongly ocheaceous the cream; in primordium stage entirely covered by a fibrillose white veil, appearing later as dispersed fibrills half-way to centre, evanescent. Gills distant, L=11-17, broadly adnate, ventricose, very pale brown when young (Mu. 10YR 8/4), reddish grey (Mu. 5YR 5/2) to dark reddish brown (Mu. 5YR 3/2) ar maturity, whit white fimbriate edge; lamellulae present. Stem 10-30 x 0.5-1 mm, cylindrical, someties curved and slightly widened at base, sometimes united with other stipes forming small bundles, fragile, whitish to pale brown (Mu. 10YR 6/3), top 1/4 part very pruinose, below fibrillose because of veil remnants, and white tomentose at the base. Taste mild, smell none. Spore-print reddish black (Mu. 10R 2.5/1). Spores 9-12.5 (-14.5) x 5-6.5 (-8) µm, av. 10.3-11.3 x 5.4-6 µm (7 collections), Qav =1.82-1.97, oblong, ellipsoid, smooth, with a well-defined germ pore (up to 2 µm), in NH4OH (10 %) reddish brown. Basidia 4-spored, 17-25 x 9.5-12 µm, sterigmate up to 5 µm in heigh, clavate, hyaline, but sometimes with brownish intracellular pigment. Cheilocystdiia numerous, very variable, utriform (some subcapitate) to fusiform or lageniform, 25-35 x 7-15 µm, hyaline, intermixed with more or less abundant clavate cells, 15-22 x 10-16 µm, hyaline. Pleurocystidia absent. Caulocystidia present in the upper part of the stem, similar the cheilocystidia. Hymenophoral trama in NH4OH (10 %) distinctly yellowish brown from membranal pigment, with yellowish hyphal septa and some encrustations. Clamp-connections not seen. Habitat & Distribution - Growing solitary, gregarious or even fasciculate (small groups of 2-5 united basidiomata) on calcareous loamy soil under Kochia prostrata, with Urtica, among mosses and Nostoc. So far known from Spain ans Sweden, but probaly often mistaken for P. effibalata." |
Typus: Spanien, Alcalį de Henares, Perque de los Cerros, on slopes with Kochia prostrata on loamy soil among mosses, 4. Dec. 2014, M. Heykoop, G. Moreno & M. Lizįrraga (holotype AH 33713) Wichtige Synonyme: Keine bekannt. Ausgew. Beschreibungen: Heykoop & Moreno (2015): 295, Heykoop & al. (2017a): 79ff. Ausgew. Abbildungen: Heykoop & Moreno (2015): 294, Heykoop & al. (2017a): 80 (Fig. 3a) |
Makromerkmale: Hut 3-12 mm breit, halbkugelig bis konvex, alt flach, manchmal mit Buckel, in rotbraunen Tönen, ockerlich ausblassend, am Rand gestreift, Velum flüchtig. Lamellen entfernt, breit angewachsen, rötlich braun. Stiel 10-30 x 0,.5-1 mm, weißlich bis bräunlich. Sporenpulver schwarz mit Rotton. |
Mikromerkmale: Sporen 9-12,5 (-14.5) x 5-6,5 (-8) µm, im Mittel 10,3-11,3 x 5,4-6 µm, mittlerer Q=1,82-1,97, oblong, ellipsoid, Keimporus deutlich, rötlich braun. Basidien 4-sporig. Cheilozystiden 25-35 x 7-15 µm, utriform, fusiform, lageniform, manchmal subcapitat, häufig, untermischt mit clavaten Zellen, 15-22 x 10-16 µm. Pleurozystiden fehlend. Schnallen fehlend. |
Maß: 5 µm (Sporen), 10 µm (Sonstiges) Skizze (verändert) nach Heykoop & Moreno (2015). |
Habitat: Terrestrisch. Verbreitung: Spanien, Schweden |