MycoBank: 807063 Basionym: Psathyrella boreifasciculata Kytöv & Liimat. 2014 l. c. Originaldiagnose: |
"Fruitbodies densely caespitose in small to large fascicles. Pileus 2-3 cm broad, dark brown to greyish brown, usually very dark brown to almost blackish brown due to the shed spores, hygrophanous, translucent striate, centrifugally, radially drying, becoming subsulcate as pileus dries; context very thin and fragile. Lamellae close, thin, dark. Stipe 6-11 cm long, 2-3 mm thick, equal, rooting, slightly cartilaginous but fragile, pure white, lower half with a thin coating of fibrils; the stipes coalesce or intertwine to form small to large bundles, which again can form larger bundles; a universal, single stipe grown together is, however, lacking. Context thin, fragile, watery white. Odour fresh, pleasant. Taste slightly farinaceous. Spores very dark chocolate brown to blackish brown in mass. Microscopy: Spores elongated-ellipsoid, smooth, thick-walled, dark to nearly opaque, multiguttulate, 8,28,99,7 x 4,85,25,7 µm (Xmean = 8,79,4 x 5,15,5 µm), Q= 1,51,721,9 (Qmean = 1,601,78), germ pore distinct, 1,6 µm in diam, central, at right angle to the long axis of the spore. Pleurocystidia scanty, 3052 x 9,515 µm, fusoid to rarely ventricose with pointed to obtuse apex, the length of pedicel varying from long to almost non-existing, walls slightly thickened, faintly yellowish-brown. Cheilocystidia rather short, 3241 x 8,513 µm, otherwise similar to pleurocystidia. Hyphae with clamps." |
Typus: Finnland, Kainuu, Paltamo, Oikarilankylä, W foot of Kivesvaara, Kivesvaaran lehto, SWW of Kantola, 11.09.2008, I. Kytövuori 08-1565 Wichtige Synonyme: Keine bekannt. Ausgew. Beschreibungen: Yan & Bau (2017): 141ff. Ausgew. Abbildungen: Yan & Bau (2017): 141 |
Makromerkmale: Hut 20-30 mm breit, halbkugelig bis kegelig, gebuckelt, dunkel- bis graubraun mit rotbrauner Mitte, gestreift, später etwas gerunzelt. Velum spärlich und flüchtig. Lamellen eng, dunkelbraun. Stiel 60-120 x 2-3 mm, weiß, unten befasert, wurzelnd. Sporenpulver dunkel braun bis schwarzbraun. |
Mikromerkmale: Sporen (7,3-) 8,29,8 (-12) x (4,4-) 4,65,7 µm, im Mittel 8,7-9,4 x 5,1-5,5 µm, langellipsoid, subopak. Basidien 17-24 x 7,5-11 µm, 4-sporig. Cheilozystiden 19-40 x 7,514 µm, utriform, mucronat, selten clavat. Pleurozystiden 3052 x 9,517 µm, utriform, fusoid, manchmal subcapitat, Wände manchmal leicht verdickt und gelbbräunlich. Schnallen vorhanden. |
Maß: 5 µm (Sporen), 10 µm (Sonstiges) Skizze (verändert) nach Yan & Bau (2017). |
Habitat: Büschelig terrestrisch oder an liegendem Totholz (evtl. Populus) im Mischwald. Verbreitung: China, Finnland |