MycoBank: 337654 Basionym: Agaricus ammophilus Durieu & Lév. 1868 in Fungi Atlas Fl. Algerie: 14 Original diagnosis: |
"8. deux individus, de grandeur naturelle, l’un jeune, l’autre adulte, croissant sur un fragment ligneux enfoui le sable pur ; on voit un mycelium crustacé qui s`étend sur le support et l’englobe en partie ; les stipes èmeticent des poils très-fins sur le partie hypogèe, et ces poils retiennent et agglotinent une couche èpaisse de sable qui revét complétement les stipes jusqu’au niveau du sol sablonneux ; - 8a, coupe verticale d’un individu adulte, montrant le stipe creus et les poils á peu près dégagés du sable." |
Type: Durieu & Lév. (1846-1849) 1868 in Fungi Atlas Fl. Algerie, pl. 31 fig. 8 |
Remarks: The year of publication is 1868 ("texts MDCCCLXVIII"), the drawings were made earlier (1846-1849). The original diagnosis is in fact a description of the plate, but sufficiently characterizing. |
Important synonyms: |
Psammocoparius ammophilus (Durieu & Lév.) De Seynes 1863 in Essai d'une Flore Mycologique de la région de Montpellier et du gard. Observationes sur les agarinés: 79f. Psilocybe ammophila (Durieu & Lév.) Gillet 1878 in Les Hyménomycètes: 587 Psathyra ammophila (Durieu & Lév.) Quél. 1880 ("1879") in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr., ser. IV 26: 52 Drosophila fatua var. ammophila (Durieu & Lév.) Quél. 1886 in Enchir. fung.: 117 Deconica ammophila (Durieu & Lév.) Morgan 1907 in J. Mycol. 13(90): 145 Hypholoma ammophilum (Durieu & Lév.) Big. & Guill. 1909 in Fl. Champ. sup. Fr.: 345 Drosophila ammophila (Durieu & Lév.) Kühner & Romagn. 1953 in Fl. anal. Champ. sup.: 358 Psilocybe ammophila var. ecaudata Maire 1911 ("1910") in Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. 56: 279 Psilocybe subammophila Clel. 1927 in Trans. Proc. R. Soc. S. Austr. 51: 306 Agaricus arenulinus Peck 1878 in Rep. N. Y. State Mus. 30: 42 Psilocybe arenulina (Peck) Sacc. 1887 in Syll. fung. 5: 1057 Psathyrella arenulina (Peck) A. H. Sm. 1972 in Mem. N. Y. bot. Gdn. 24: 276 |
Select. descript.: Bon (1988): 63f., Consiglio (2005): 15f., Enderle (1992): 85f., Enderle & Zuccherelli (1993): 120f., Kit v. Wav. (1977a): 201ff., (1985): 101ff., Lange (1939): 82f. (as Psilocybe ammophila), Ludwig (2007): 597ff., Örstadius & Knudsen (2008): 589, Pèrez Puente (2011a): 69f., (2011b): 39, Smith (1972): 276f. (as Psathyrella arenulina) Select. icons: Bernebeek (2012): 70, Bon (1988): 65, Consiglio (2005): 16, Enderle & Zuccherelli (1993): 120, Iglesias & al. (2015): 186 below, Lange (1939): plate 148 fig. B (as Psilocybe ammophila), Ludwig (2007a): 177, Pèrez Puente (2011a): 35, (2011b): 40 |
Macrocharacters: Pileus 10-50 mm broad, convex, older flat, with umbo, brown to reddish brown, fading to yellowish brown, hardly striated, veil white to ochre, volatile. Lamellae not very close, brown, edge white (reddish in f. marginata Bon). Stipe 30-80 x 1,5-5 mm, pale brownish, deeply rooting, mostly with pseudorhiza, sometimes bulbous, plant roots enclosing. Spore print black with a trace of red. |
Microcharacters: Spores 9-15 x 5,5-8,5 µm, av. 10,8-13,5 x 6,6-7,4 µm, av. Q=1,50-1,90, ellipsoid, ovoid, in side view rarely phaseoliform, often with suprahilar depression, germ pore distinct. In water and ammonia dark red brown, in KOH blackish brown, subopaque to opaque. Basidia 22-38 x 10-13,5 µm, mostly 4-spored, rarely 2-spored. Cheilocystidia 25-55 (-70) x 10-20 µm, moderately numerous but scattered. Undermixed by moderately to very numerous sphaeropedunculate and clavate marginal cells, 20-43,5 x 8-30 µm. Pleurocystidia 30-75 x 10-27,5 µm, rare. Clamps present. |
Habitat: solitary, gregarious or in clusters on sandy soil on plants (especially Ammophila) Distribution: Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Norway, Slovac Republic, Spain (Heykoop & al. 2017a),Sweden, Turkey (Kaya 2010), USA Remarks: Smith (1972) indicates (for Psathyrella arenulina ) a much smaller spore size: 9-12 (-12,5) x 5-6 µm. Even exceed the cheilocystidia hardly 30 µm in length and have also become a partial slightly thickened walls. Pleurocystidia are missing, but were perhaps overlooked (also P. ammophila has only very rare pleurocystidia). Bon (1988: 64)) kombinierte Psilocybe ammophila var. ecaudata Maire in Psathyrella ammophila f. ecaudata (Maire) Bon um. Psathyrella ammophila f. marginata Bon, mit teilweise rötlich unterlegten Lamellenschneiden, ist bei Bon (1988: 64) beschrieben: "A typo differt acie lamellarum, (etiam interdum pilei margina) +/- rubella vel brunneo-rosea, cheilocystidiis +/- pigmentosis, Holotypus n° 84058, prope Berck in Ammophileto lectus, (Véronique Bon 6-6-1984)." Agaricus ammophilus Durieu & Lév. ss. Ménier = Agaricus menieri Coll. examl.: (F) Réserve naturelle de la Dune Marchand, 11.09-2017, leg. D. Deschuyteneer (AM1921); - Herb. Gent University: (3973); (T.81/134); (628); (2010/18/10/01). |
Historical documents: |
De Seynes (1863): Fries (1874): Gillet (1878): 587 Peck (1878): Cooke (1884): Quélet (1886): Stevenson (1886): Saccardo (1887): Quélet (1888): |
Massee (1892): Morgan (1907): W. G. Smith (1908): Kauffman (1918): Bresadola (1931): Lange (1939): |