Psathyrella secotioides G. Moreno, Heykoop, Esqueda & Olariaga 2015
in Mycol. Progress 14, Article 34: 3

MycoBank: 811958
Basionym: Psathyrella secotioides G. Moreno, Heykoop, Esqueda & Olariaga 2015 l. c.
"Basidiomata gregarious to caespitose (three basidiomata with united stipe base). Pileus 6-10 x 3-5 mm when dried, pale straw-yellow to very pale chre, conical to narrowly paraboloid, with obtuse apex, surface covered with a felty veil (under binocular microscope). Margin involute to straight, in young fruitbodies tightly united to the stipe, later slightly free. Lamellae ascending, tight, 1-1.5 mm broad, violaceous black, slightly anastomosed and sometimes aborted. Lamella edge paler. Stipe 20-30 x 0.5-1 mm, cylindrical, slightly broader at the base, fistulose, fragile, concolorous with the pileus, reddish brown when dried. Taste and odour not recorded. Pileipellis hymeniform consisting of clavate cells of 35-57 x 25-30 µm. Subcutis consisting of cylindrical interwoven hyphae, 5-20 µm broad, hyaline to pale yellow, 5-9 µm in diam. Basidia 4-spored, clavate, 22 x 12 µm, sterigmata up to 3 µm in length, difficult to observe since the material is very collapsed. Spores variable in shape but mainly broadly ellipsoid, 9.5-10.63-12.0 x 6.0-7.28-8.0 µm, Q=1.33-1.46-1.57 (1.69) (n=37), dark brown, smooth, without a germ pore, tick walled (up to 1 µm), some of them with a large gutttule. Pleuro- and cheilocystidia not observed, possibly absent, but their presence cannot be ruled out with certainly as the hymenium is highly collapsed. Clmap connections scarce and difficult to observe."

Typus: Mexico, Sonora: Soyopa Municipality, km 162.5 Hermosillo to Yécora road, in humus of Prosoptis juliflora, 13.09.1996, leg M. Pestaño-Acosta, AH 31746. Isotype: UES 2918
Wichtige Synonyme: Keine bekannt.

Ausgew. Beschreibungen: Moreno & al (2015): 3ff.
Ausgew. Abbildungen: Moreno & al (2015): 6

Hut 6-10 x 3-5 mm (trocken), kegelig, gelblich bis ockerlich, Velum spärlich.
Lamellen schwarz mit Violettstich, anastomosierend, Schneiden heller.
Stiel 20-30 x 0,5-1 mm, gleichfarbig mit dem Hut.
Sporen 9,5-12 x 6-8 µm, i. M. 10,6 x 7,3 µm, mittlerer Q=1,46, meist breit ellipsoid, ohne Keimporus, dunkelbraun.
Basidien 4-sporig.
Zystiden (im Exsikkat) nicht gefunden.
Velumzellen 5-9 µm breit.
Schnallen vorhanden, aber selten.

Maß: 5 µm (Sporen)
Skizze (verändert) nach Moreno & al (2015).
Habitat: Trockengebiet, in Humus
Verbreitung: Mexico