Psathyrella cacao Desjardin & B. A. Perry 2016
in Mycosphere 7(3): 378

MycoBank: 816220
Basionym: Psathyrella cacao Desjardin & B. A. Perry 2016 l. c.
"Pileus 5-15 mm diam., convex to broadly convex, glabrous, hygrophanous, brown to dark brown, fading to pale brownish gray or grayish white. Lamellae adnexed to shallowly adnate. close, pale bronish gray to dark brown. Stipe 15-40 x 1-2 mm, cylindrical, pruinose to silky-glabrous above, base pubescent, white. Partial veil absent. Basidiospores 5.7-6.8 x 3.5-4.5 (-4.8) µm, ellipsoid or slightly bean-shaped in profile, smooth, lacking a germ pore, grayish brown. Basidia 16.5-20 x 8.5-9 µm, clavate, 4-spored. Pleurocystidia absent. Cheilcystidia 16.5-29 x 8-12 µm, ventricose to broadly lageniform. Pileipellis an epithelium of globose to vesiculose cells 16-32 µm diam; velar cells, pileocystidia and setae absent. Caulocystidia common, 20-52 x (5-) 9.5-14.5 µm, cylindrical to clavate or lageniform. Clamp connections common in all tissues. Gregarious on rotten wood and banana debris in coastal caceo-banana grove. Holotype: Africa, São Tomé, along main road (EN-1) on west side of island near 33 km marker, 27 April 2008, D. E. Desjardin, DED8339 (SFSU; KX017210).
Etymology - cacao = chocolate; refering to both the color of the fresh pileus, like milk chocolate, and its association with cacao trees."

Typus: Africa, São Tomé, 27 April 2008, D. E. Desjardin, DED8339 (SFSU)
Wichtige Synonyme: Keine bekannt.

Ausgew. Beschreibungen: Desjardin & Perry (2016): 378f.
Ausgew. Abbildungen: Desjardin & Perry (2016): 378

Hut 5-15 mm breit, konvex, alt verflachend bis fast plan, graubraun bis braun, Mitte dunkler, weißlich ausblassend, ohne Velum.
Lamellen eng, schmal, graubraun bis dunkelbraun.
Stiel 15-40 x 1-2 mm, weiß, bereift, Basis filzig.
Sporen 5,7-6,8 x 3,5-4,5 (-4,8) µm, ellipsoid, lateral leicht phaseoliform, ohne Keimporus, graubraun.
Basidien 16,5-20 x 8,5-9 µm, 4-sporig.
Cheilozystiden 16,5-29 x 8-12 µm, utriform, sublageniform, häufig.
Pleurozystiden fehlend.
Schnallen vorhanden.

Skizze (verändert) nach Desjardin & Perry (2016).
Habitat: Totholz, Bananenreste
Verbreitung: São Tomé