Psathyrella corrugis (Pers.: Fr.) Konr. & Maubl. 1948
in Encycl. mycol. 14 (Agaricales 1): 123

Pileus 13-35 x 6-10 mm, pointed, later flat conically, moist high up striated, reddish brown. Fading to ochre brown, with very distinctly pinkish to violet tones. Veil as tiny fibrils on the margin, very volatile.
Lamellae normally close, intermixed, grey to grey brown with reddish to dark red edges.
Stipe 60-80 x 1-2 mm, whitish fibrillose, apexp pruinose, tapering, with a short pseudorhiza.
Spores (10-) 11,2-13,7 x 6,2-7,5 µm, av. 12-12,8 x 6,8-7,2 µm, av. Q=1,74-1,88. In water red brown, in ammonia dirty red brown, in KOH dark brown. Ellpsoid, germ pore large and flattened.
Basidia 20-24,5 x 8,2-13,5 µm, 4-spored.
Cheilocystidia 27-50 x 5,5-7,5 (-11) µm, frequently, but only in places crowded and often missing in larger sections, rarely forked or subcapitat. Usually in clusters with numerous clavate or irregular marginal cells, 8,2-27,3 x 5,5-11 µm. These light brown pigmented and with slightly thickened cell walls. Clusters 40-300 µm broad, with 30-165 µm broad caps; there are no or only colourless marginal cells. On some sections of lamellae without gaps. Edge ca. 30-55 µm broad below the clusters ochre brown pigmented .
Pleurocystidia (24,5-) 50-60 (-80) x 11-13,5 µm, frequently, occasionally subcapitat or apically forked.
Clamps present.
Habitat: Grassland.
The suspected clan here is characterized macroscopically by delicate fruitbodys and a bright pink when dry to almost purple-toned pileus, where relatively long time remains of veil are visible. Microscopic characteristics ares hort elliptical spores, cheilocystidia up to 50 µm in length, with obtuse apex, paracystidia have almost always slightly thickened, yellowish walls, pleurocystidia up to about 60 µm in length, with obtuse apex.

Coll. exam.:
(G) Saxony: Kyhna, 30.09.05 (AM620); 13.10.14 (AM1683); Pirna, Nov. 2015 (AM1732) ; - Saxony-Anhalt: Landsberg, 07.10.05 (AM625); Querfurt, 21.10.15 (AM1721); -
Herb. Gent University: (2005/23/11/01).
