Spitzkletten-Rispenkraut |
Basionym: Iva xanthiifolia The Genera of North American Plants [Nuttall] 2: 185 Originalbeschreibung / original description: "2. * Xanthifolia. Annual; leaves opposite, petiolate, cordate-ovate, acuminated, doubly serate, softly villous, beneath canescent; spikes paniculated, naked; calix 5-cleft. HAB. In arid soils, near Fort Mandan, &c. on the banks of the Missouri." |
Fundpunkte 4439/42 Schenkenberg (23.08.2020) Beleg 4439/42 (ca. 51.540346, 12.317612), Delitzsch/Schenkenberg, Semiruderal, 23.08.2020 [Herb.nr. 532] |