Bunter Hohlzahn |
Basionym: Galeopsis speciosa Mill 1768, Gardeners Dictionary (Edition 8) GAL nr. 3 Originalbeschreibung / original description: "3. GALEOPSIS (Specios) corolla flava, labio inferiore maculato. Flor. Lap. 193. [1] Stinking Hedge Nettle with a yellow flower, whoese under lip is spotted. Lamium cannabinum aculeatum flore luteo specioso, labiis purpureis. Pluk. Alm. 204. [2] Prickly Hemp Dead Nettle, with a beautiful yellow flower and purple lips." |
[1] Linné, C. v. (1737): Flora Lapponica. - Amstelaedami: Salomonem Schouten. |
[2] Plukenet, L. (1696): Almagestum botanicum. - Londini: Sumptibus auctoris. |
Fundpunkte 4439/42 Schenkenberg (23.08.2020) Beleg 4439/42 (ca. 51.542529, 12.317129), Delitzsch/Schenkenberg, Auwaldfragment, Waldsaum, 23.08.2020 [Herb.nr. 417] |