Gewöhnlicher Feldrittersporn |
Basionym: Consolida regalis S. F. Gray 1821, A natural arrangement of British plants 2: 711 Originalbeschreibung / original description: "Stem upright, blad, divaricetaly branched; flowers few, in loose racemes; pedicells longer than the bractea; capsule bald." Anmerkung: Nom. nov. für Delphinium consolida L. 1753, Sp. Pl. 2: 748. |
Fundpunkte 4539/22 N Werbeliner See (08.06.2019) Beleg 4539/22 (ca. 51.501743, 12.312987), N Werbeliner See, Feldrain, 08.06.2019 [ 104, 105] |