Westamerikanischer Fuchsschwanz |
Basionym: Amaranthus blitoides S. Watson 1877, Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 12: 273 Originalbeschreibung / original description: "AMARANTHUS (PYXIDUM) BLITHOIDES. Prostrate or decumbent, the slender stems becoming a foot or two long, glabrous or nearly so; leaves broadly spatulate to narrowly oblanceolate, attenuate to a slender petiole, an inch long or usally less; flowers in small contracted axillary spikelets; bracts nearly equal, ovate.oblong, shortly acuminate, 1 to 1 1/2 lines long, little exceeding the oblong obtuse and mucronulate or acute sepals; utricle not rugose, slightly longer than the sepals; seed nearly a line broad. - Frequent in the valleys and plains of the interior, from Mexico to N. Nevada and Iowa, and becoming introduces in the Northern States eastward. It somewhat resembles the A. Blitum, Linn., of the Old World, and das been mistaken for it, but thar spacies i usually erect, with shorter and more scarious bracts, and a smaller seed more notched at the hilum. The allied A. albus, Linn., also common and indigenous throught the interior, is distinguishes by its usually erect diffusely branched habit; rhachis of the spikelets often somewhat elongated (172 to 3 lines long); bracts subulate, rigid, pungently awned, 1 to 2 1/2 lines long, the lateral ones very much smaller or wanting, sepals oblong-lanceolate, acuminate, shorter than the slightly rugose utricle; seed smaller (2/3 line broad9. It is very abundant on the western prairies, where it is popularly known as "roling" or "tumble-weed", the stem breaking off at the root when dry and the compact top rolling before the wind any distance." |
Fundpunkte 4439/43 Kyhna (04.09.2019) Beleg 4439/43 (ca. 51.514109, 12.260131), Wiedemar/Kyhna, Ruderal, 04.09.2019 [Herb.nr. 21, 22, 96] |