MycoBank: 800685 Basionym: Coprinopsis fusispora L. Nagy, Vágvölgyi and Papp 2013 l. c. Originaldiagnose: |
"Pileus up to 15 x 20–30 mm when young, ellipsoid to subglobose, later expanding to convex to plano-convex, finally applanate with uprolled margin, up to 45 mm broad; pale ocher, cream to beige when young, darker brownish in the center, surface smooth when young, becoming radially sulcate upon cap expansion, covered with whitish floccose to filamentous veil, soon vanishing and remaining only in the center as brownish fibrils and at the margin. Lamellae free, crowded, strongly ventricose, up to 3(4) mm broad, white when young,
then grayish, finally blackish, strongly deliquescent. Stipe 35–70 3 2–3 mm, slender, firm, fistulose, white all over; surface silky, smooth, at base with whitish veil remnants when young. Odor and flavor indistinct. Basidiospores [40,1,1] 9.2–12.5 x 5.8–7.3 µm, on average 10.6 x 6.7 µm, Q = 1.52–1.71, Qav = 1.58, in frontal view ovoid to ellipsoid with protruding apex, in lateral view broadly fusiform, subamygdaliform or submitriform, not lentiform, medium dark reddish brown in KOH, not opaque, mostly with one large oil inclusion and a small hilum; germ pore central, 1.4–1.7 µm wide. Basidia four-spored, clavate or spathulate with median constriction, 20–30 x 8–11 µm. Cheilocystidia abundant, 62–120 x 22–46 (60) µm, predominantly utriform but also ellipsoid to cylindrical, with obtuse apex. Pleurocystidia abundant, 55–110 x 25–38 µm, chiefly utriform, sometimes cylindrical or ellipsoid. Veil made up of chains of elongate to cylindrical or fusiform, 13–25 µm wide cells; end cells fusiform to cylindrical or ellipsoid. Clamp connections present. Holotype: HUNGARY. Alföld: Belsonyír, among grass on sandy soil in a continental, semidesert Quercus forest, 22 Aug 2005. L. Nagy & Zs. Gorliczai (SZMC-NL-1227, deposited in Bp.)." |
Wichtige Synonyme: Keine bekannt. |
Ausgew. Beschreibungen: Nagy & al. (2013): 119f. + 117 (fig. F-K) Ausgew. Abbildungen: Nagy & al. (2013): 114, fig. D |
Merkmale: Mittelgroßer Pilz, Hut bis 45 mm breit, gefurcht, ockerlich mit braunem Zentrum, mit weißen bis bräunlichen Velumflöckchen, Lamellen zerfließend. Terrestrisch. Sporen: 9,2–12,5 x 5,8–7,3 µm, frontal ovoid, apikal auffallend konisch, lateral wenig abgeflacht, Keimporus zentral. Basidien: 4-sporig. Cheilozystiden: 62-120 x 22-60 µm, überwiegend utriform. Pleurozystiden: 55-110 x 25-38 µm, überwiegend utriform. Velum: Ketten hyaliner, zylindrischer oder median erweiterter Zellen. Schnallen: Vorhanden. Skizze (verändert) nach Nagy & al. (2013). |