MycoBank: 474387 Basionym: Coprinus echinosporus Buller 1912 in Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 3(5): 350 (inval.) Validiert als: Coprinus echinosporus Buller ex Buller 1920 ("1919") in Trans. Br. mycol. Soc. 6(4): 363 Originaldiagnose: |
"Pileus 15-18 mm. high before expansion, white, then grey, and finally dirty yellowish-brown, oval, then conico-campanulate, becoming flattened, about 3 cm. broad, and finally revolute and radially splitting along the lines of the longest gills, at first clothed with short dense down which then breaks up into small, delicate, thin, fugacious tufts or scales consisting of slender branched cells, 80-150 x 5-10 µ. Stipe 9 cm. x 3 mm. at base, white, slightly attenuated upwards, straight or flexuose, firm, adpressedly hairy. Gills blackish at maturity, adnexed, very thin, very slightly wedge-shaped, autodigesting on the edges. Flesh brownish-yellow, brownish at the apex of the pileus, becoming finally dirty ochraceous. Spores black in the mass, very dark and opaque under the microscope, finely warted or echinulate, oval, more or less pip-shaped, truncate at the apex, 9-11 x 5-7 µ, with an apical germ-pore through which a transparent membrane often protrudes; basidia of three lenghths, surrounded by 3-4 paraphyses. Cystidia abundant, rounded at both ends, generally parallel-sided, rarely globose, 70-95 x 23-30 µ, varying up to 105 µ in length and 45-57 µ in diameter. Habitat, on sticks dredged from a pool at Kew, October, 1911. The most striking character of this species lies in the coarsely verrucose spores which are truncate at the apex; but, in general aspect, it resembles Coprinus lagopus Fr. (=C. fimetarius and C. cinereus of authors). Pileo 15-18 mm. alto, ovali, albo-cinerascente, dein 3 cm. lato, conico-campanulato, sordide fusco-lutescente, postea revoluto radiatimque fisso, farina tenui consperso. Stipite albo, sursum attenuato, firmo, adpresse pubescente. Lamellis adnexis, atris; sporis amygdaliformibus, verruculosis vel echinalatis, apice truncatis, 9-11 x 5-7 µ; cystidiis copiosis, ellipticis." |
Wichtige Synonyme: Coprinusella echinospora (Buller) Zerov 1979 in Viznachnik gribiv Ukraini. T. 5. Basidiomycetes: 406 Coprinus giganteoporus Huijsman 1955 in Fungus 25: 19 |
Ausgew. Beschreibungen: Breitenbach & Kränzlin (1995): 232 (als Coprinus echinosporus), Buller (1920, "1919"): 363 (als Coprinus echinosporus), Gierczyk & al. (2011): 44, Jonker (1984): 52f. (als Coprinus echinosporus), Krieglsteiner & Gminder (2010): 550 (als Coprinus echinosporus), Ludwig (2007): 158f. (als Coprinus echinosporus), Uljé & Noordeloos (1997): 329f. (als Coprinus echinosporus) Ausgew. Abbildungen: Breitenbach & Kränzlin (1995): 233 (als Coprinus echinosporus), Krieglsteiner & Gminder (2010): 551 (als Coprinus echinosporus), Ludwig (2007a): 71 (als Coprinus echinosporus) |
Merkmale: Mittelgroßer Pilz, Hut grau bis graubraun, mit kräftigem weißen Velum, Lamellen zerfließend, Stiel beflockt. Terrestrisch, meist an Totholz. Sporen: 8,5-13 x 5-8,2 µm, frontal ovoid, limoniform, mitriform, lateral kaum abgeflacht, warzig, Keimporus zentral, prolongiert. Basidien: 4-sporig. Cheilozystiden: 25-100 x 8-55 µm, sphaeropedunculat, utriform. Pleurozystiden: 60-150 x 20-80 µm, sphaeropedunculat, utriform. Velum: Ketten schmaler, verzweigter, etwas diverticulater Zellen. Schnallen: Vorhanden. Skizze (verändert) nach Uljé & Noordeloos (1997), Ludwig (2007), Gierczyk & al. (2011). |