Coprinopsis babosiae L. Nagy, Vágvölgyi & Papp 2013
in Mycologia 105(1): 119

MycoBank: 800684
Basionym: Coprinopsis babosiae L. Nagy, Vágvölgyi & Papp 2013 l. c.
"Pileus 3–10 x 2–5 mm when closed, cylindrical to ellipsoid, later campanulate, finally applanate, up to 20–25 mm when fully expanded, whitish to pale ochraceous when young, becoming grayish to blackish on aging, plicate when expanded; surface longitudinally translucently striate, covered with a whitish, floccose to woolly, but compact veil, with a soggy appearance; veil soon disappearing. Lamellae up to 1.5 mm broad, ventricose, white when young, blackish and distant when mature, with whitish fimbriate edge. Stipe 30–50 3 0.5–2 mm, slender, hollow, fragile, covered with fine, floccose to woolly white veil remnants, whitish or pale grayish. Odor and flavor indistinct.
Basidiospores [40,1,1] 7.8–9.7 x 5.0–6.0 µm, on average 8.9 x 5.5 mm, Q = 1.44–1.64 (1.76), Qav = 1.6 in frontal view ellipsoid, often with one side somewhat depressed or straight, giving a subphaseoliform outline, ellipsoid to subamygdaloid in lateral view, not lentiform in polar view, dark reddish brown in KOH, almost opaque, with small hilum and a central, 1.4–1.7 µm wide germ pore. Basidia fourspored, bimorphic, clavate or spathulate with a median constriction, 23–28 x 7–8 µm. Pleurocystidia absent. Cheilocystidia abundant, 27–48 x 10–18 µm. variable shape, ranging from almost globose to subglobose, vesiculose, ellipsoid to broadly utriform, most frequently vesiculose with short pedicel. Veil made up of sausage-like hyphae constricted at the septa, with fusiform-cylindrical end cells (40–78 x 18–22 µm). Clamp connections present.
Holotype: HUNGARY. Alföld: Ásotthalom, mixed forest of Populus alba, Robinia pseudoacacia and Quercus robur, growing on rotten bark of Populus, 2 Nov 2008. L. Nagy (SZMC-NL-4139, deposited in the Hungarian National History Museum /Bp/)."
Wichtige Synonyme: Keine bekannt.

Ausgew. Beschreibungen: Nagy & al. (2013): 119 + 117 (fig. L-O)
Ausgew. Abbildungen: Nagy & al. (2013): 114, fig. C + E


Kleiner Pilz, Hut bis 25 mm breit, gefurcht, ockerlich, vergrauend, mit weißlichem, flockigem Velum. An Totholz.

Sporen: 7,8–9,7 x 5–6 µm, frontal ellipsoid, manchmal leicht phaseoliform, lateral wenig abgeflacht, Keimporus zentral.
Basidien: 4-sporig.
Cheilozystiden: 27-48 x 10-18 µm, sphaeropedunculat, ellipsoid, utriform.
Pleurozystiden: Fehlend.
Velum: Ketten farbloser, zylindrischer oder median erweiterter Zellen.
Schnallen: Vorhanden.

Skizze (verändert) nach Nagy & al. (2013).