Coprinus jalapensis Murrill 1918
in Mycologia 10(2): 83

MycoBank: 198970
Basionym: Coprinus jalapensis Murrill 1918 l. c.
"Pileus campanulate to broadly convex, not fully expanding, thin, solitary, 2 cm. broad; surface smooth, glabrous, striate, pale-yellowish-white, somewhat darker on the disk; margin entire, concolorous, becoming ragged with age; lamellae free, narrow, crowded, gray to blackish-brown, whitish on the edges in young stages and showing under a lens large white cystidia on the sides; spores ellipsoid, somewhat irregular in outline, smooth, purplish-brown, 6-7 x 4-5 µ; stipe tapering upward, smooth, glabrous, glistening-white, much enlarged at the base and attached to a conspicuous mass of reddish-brown mycelium, 2 cm. long, 2 mm. thick at the middle; annulus wanting.
Type collected on dead wood in woods at Jalapa, Mexico, 1.500 m. elevation, December 12-20, 1909, W. A. & Edna L. Murill 88. Known only from the type locality. This species has the appearance of Coprinus in the fresh state but the lamellae do not deliquese readily. The cystidia and mass of ozonium also place it in Coprinus, although the dried specimens lokk very much like Hypholoma."
Wichtige Synonyme: Keine bekannt.

Ausgew. Beschreibungen: Murrill (1918): 83f., Smith (1948): 676 + 675 Fig. 11 (als Coprinus "jalopensis")
Ausgew. Abbildungen: Keine bekannt.


Kleiner Pilz, an Totholz. Mexiko.

Hut: Bis 20 mm breit, glockig bis konvex, weißlich bis gelblich, glatt, gestreift, ohne Velum.
Lamellen: Eng, schmal, schwarzbraun.
Stiel: 20 x 2 mm, weiß, glatt, kahl, Basis erweitert und mit rotbraunem Ozonium.
Sporen: 6-7 x 4-5 µm (Smith: 6-6,3 x 3,1-3,6 µm), ellipsoid, lateral leicht phaseoliform, braun, Keimporus klein, zentral.
Basidien: 4-sporig.
Cheilozystiden: Nicht genannt.
Pleurozystiden: 20-40 µm breit, voluminös, häufig.
Pileozystiden: Keine gefunden.
Velum: Keine Reste gefunden.
Schnallen: Nicht genannt.

Skizze nach den Angaben bei Smith (1948).
Maß: 5 µm (Sporen), 10 µm (Sonstiges).